The Dream Girl......

Despite being single, I have in my mind a kind of a perfect
relationship plan that I want to follow. So, today, I pour out this
secret wishlist to you all. I want my
relationship to be sweet, simple and natural. I don't want to force
myself into a relationship. I want to
adapt to the things that come to me naturally. I don't wish to have a
problem free relationship. I want a relationship where I can find a best
friend in my partner, where there are no undoes closed stories. I want
this thing between us to be so strong that no third person has the
ability to destroy it, ever....
My Dream Girl was always pictured as
someone who was there for me always, no matter how much worse things may
get. I want her to be the one who stands for me when no one else does.
The one who trusts me through the rough phases of our relationship. My
Dream Girl is a girl who knows what my family means to me. A girl who
respects them as much as she loves me. A girl who knows, when to be
possessive and when to set free. A girl who can help me out of the
darkness and guide me towards light. A Girl who is crazy enough to plan a
future, together. And yes, I forgot to mention an important factor, The
Looks. Looks don't matter as much as people think they do, but upto a
certain limit, they do....
'Just for a moment, You get the feeling. Somethings are stolen and Someone is dreaming. '
Like there is No Tomorrow.....
I am
as free as a bird. I take chances in life. Risks, actually. My parents
say I'm immature, my teachers call me a rebel. But honestly, I don't
give a damn! You get just one life, they told us. I registered that
point. Since then, there was no looking back. I fill my days with vivid
memories and imaginations. I love someone unconditionally, though
I know that there is no chance that I'll be loved back, ever. I chase
my dreams, blindly. I hardly get serious about anything.
But here is my point, who knows what
life has in store for me? I know that I'm doing good, much better than
the others. Because years from now I don't want to be a grumbling
person, disillusioned and confused about my purpose in life. I want to
be someone who says, ' I've lived it all. I've had it all.' I may not
earn millions then, but right now, at this point in my life, I'm earning
a million memories, countless experiences daily. Experiences that will
help me grow and memories that will get me through the rough times in
'There are many wonderful things in life that will never be done if you do not do them '....
Live for dis moment & Love every memory.........
of us has had the bad times ....the good times....times wen we have
had real tough things thrown at us that are above the caliber of our
long hands to tackle ....but we battled to won.... stuffs that we never
wanted to go through alone ... times when we really needed a friend , a
shoulder to cry upon ... times when we just cried cuz we wanted to
feel better ... times when we felt the absence of a love in our
life.... a love that could have caressed us like a feather .... times
when the angry dad told us to leave the home cuz we failed in our
exams... times when those late night phone calls made us realize the
importance of a true friend ... the necessity of being a true friend
college ...time when those hostel foods were pathetic and all the
group of friends starved till the early mornings until a cup of tea
.... those booze on a friends birthday .... those moments when we jus
felt that being on a high might jus do all the evens for odds .... the
misunderstandings that lead to minor fights ending up in chocolate
gifts... those moments when we could endlessly listen to rock-metal
music for weeks and weeks still being soft .... those moments when we
had no cash ... no ATM balance ... No reserves ... and jus had lunch at
a friend's expense .... those true moments when all of us felt that
its better to die than strive under such ruthless and killing
situations.... the jealousy in seeing a happy couple, when u r fresh
out of a break-up .... the jealousy of a bestfriend over others...
sleepless nights when u had big huge fights .... the disco
discotheques with late night addictions ..... the 3 am walk on a lonely
road .... the group trips with gangs .... memorable pics.... those
accidents .... the secret smooches .... the first puff of smoke ...
the first drink... the first 'getting on a high' .... those bath-less
dirty weeks ..... stinging physic with loadsa deo ... those secret
crushes ... late night Maggie packets .... long Q in the hostels for
the loo .... the first date ... the mass bunks ... the short-attendance
lists ...
in the rain hands-in-hands with the beloved... those most cherished
moments ....the 1st show movie tickets for black ... first tram journey
... the first flight ....
are all of us so fortunate to our friends who stand with us in spite
of anything .. in spite of everything.. they shoulder us to the very
start .. the very end ... to everywhere... they help us , tease us .
beat us ... but love us ... the all of us have a history ... a past
that we cant change ... a future that we can see..we cant design ....
just the present to live for .. jus today to be alive .... then y waste
time on the future and the past ... y not LIVE THE MOMENT ???? Y NOT
do it today ... tell each one of them who matter to us ... thank them
for making it in our lives.. for letting us in their lives .... for
making it to the our pen of memories ... for letting us keep those
pics.... for letting us cry ... for letting us laugh ... for giving us
the smile ... for everything .... today lets be thankful and grateful
to all our friends .... to all those who matter ... our parents .. our
siblings .. the cousins ... the crush .. the love .... the
girl-next-door ... to everyone .....